Tom Brooks is running the London Marathon for Scinergise!

This year we were able to secure a place for the 2020 London Marathon and we are delighted to announce that Tom Brooks will be running and fundraising for Scinergise!

We are hugely grateful to Tom for taking up this challenge and we wish him all the best with his training and for race day!

If you would like to sponsor Tom you can find his fundraising page here.

Read Tom’s reasons for taking up the challenge below…

Somewhat stupidly I’ve decided to run a marathon on my past-their-sell-by-date legs. The reason for this act of insanity is purely down to how compelled I am to action by the great work done by Scinergise.

Scinergise is a small charity run by volunteers with just one space for the London Marathon this year. It’s my honour to run for them, so I intend on making it a good one!

I’ve been lucky enough to see in great detail the amazing work these guys do to empower kids with spinal injuries. They do so by providing them and their families with the financial means to purchase products, services and/or experiences that can help improve their quality of life post-injury. The standard care process for anyone who suffers a spinal cord injury provided by the statutory authorities in the UK is fantastic in terms of providing the first-response care and rehabilitation to get these individuals re-introduced into society, however there is so much more that can be done to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of these people beyond this. This is even more true for young people with spinal cord injuries who are yet to grow and fully develop. Providing them additional care can make a huge difference to help them avoid any illness or further complication in the process.
— Tom Brooks, Fundraiser